
2019 gift guide

In the past I made a gift guide for different recipients, but this time I’m just sharing a few things I like or have given as gifts.  NONE of these links are affiliates, so I do not earn anything from sharing them with you (except for my own Etsy shop link!).


First up is my Etsy Shop.  I sell handmade knit goods, headcoverings and headbands, cloth menstrual pads, reusable produce bags, and more.  I’m always running sales and promos, so you can keep an eye out for those.  Additionally, Canadian shoppers can always have free shipping on orders over $40, and everyone qualifies for free shipping on orders over $50 (in Canadian dollars) during the month of November. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.



Next is this set of cotton woven hot pads. Each set comes with three (pictured here are two of mine), and they are made by the kids over at Heritage Ways. The hot pads are well made, durable, and nice to use.  CLICK HERE FOR LINK.


In the photo above you can see my Lodge Cast Iron loaf pan, which I LOOOOOVE. My husband gave me two pans, a miniature melting pot, and a set of scrapers for my birthday.  They are all amazing and very easy to use.  Yes, cast iron can be pricey but it is a good investment. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.


My husband has been reading the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge and he enjoys it.  There is also a similar book for women called Captivated (it is on my to read list). This could be a nice gift for a married couple, or given individually to one person. CLICK HERE FOR LINK. 

If you have a tea drinker on your list, they might enjoy the Stash brand of teas. I don’t drink tea but my husband says the pumpkin spice one is nice, and my mom is partial to Christmas in Paris flavour. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.

My sewing machine is the Janome 3160 QDC and I really like it. It is easy to use and has a lot of functions. I know it can be pricey but I think a good sewing machine is a great gift for someone who wants to get into that type of craft. CLICK HERE FOR LINK.

As you can tell, I don’t really buy a lot of gifts, or even ask for much! Writing this gift list was kind of hard for me for those reasons.  But I wanted to include a list of ideas, with no links, in case you are still wondering what to buy for someone.

  1. Bird feeders. we have bought some for my mother in law because she likes feeding the birds at their cottage. You can find really nice ones at TSC stores (I believe in the US you call it “Tractor Supply”) and probably online too.
  2. Printed photos in an album. David and I do this for one of his grandmas, who lives in a care home. We used to print photos and frame them for her wall, but she is running out of space! The album we gave her has space beside each photo slot so we can write down something about the picture.
  3. Baked goods or homemade frozen meals. I prepare tins of cookies and deserts for my parents and brothers because I know none of them would likely have time to bake for themselves.  I also hope to prepare some easy frozen meals to give my bachelor brothers so that they can have a home cooked meal when they want it.
  4. Gift cards for restaurants or the movies. David and I have been on a strict budget for many years so we don’t go out as often as we used to.  We appreciated getting gift cards for restaurants because we could still enjoy eating out without paying for it out of pocket.  If you live in Canada, you may find Harveys/Swiss Chalet/Milestones gift cards that also come with a Cineplex card.  This was awesome to receive because we could go out for a whole evening of fun.
  5. Handmade goods. If you knit or crochet, I suggest making something for that hard to buy for person.  If possible, find out what they might like.  Not everyone likes handmade beanies or socks, but they might enjoy a lap blanket or even a toy for their pet!
  6. Something for the animals. Pet owners often have specific toys or treats they do not let their pets use, so it is best to ask first! We gave my brother a Kong toy for his dog, but we asked first if he was okay with it. He gave us some toys for Bette (our dog) but I trusted his judgement because he has high standards. I suggest staying away from anything that says it is rawhide, and instead getting an antler chew or some all natural snacks for dogs.
  7. Containers or basket for organizing. This is a weird one, I know!  But I like having things stored in matching baskets or totes, and I know other people do too.  I don’t suggest giving this at random, but if you know someone enjoys organization, or is maybe moving out on their own soon, you could gift them with nice looking containers.
  8. Homemade doormat. Check out my blog post about painting a doormat…it is soooo easy and you can make one for any occasion or season.
  9. Cozy new bed sheets.  We recently bought new flannel bed sheets for winter because our other set was getting too old and thin. This would be a good gift idea for a student or other young person living away from home. We picked up out set at Walmart.
  10. Membership to CAA or AAA. Every driver can benefit from this service! Even if they never use it, you will feel at ease knowing they have it in case of a roadside emergency. David has the plan that offers an unlocking service if you accidentally leave your keys in the vehicle. This has proven handy to have!
  11. Windshield washer fluid. We were at a dinner party once and the couple hosting said the husband was in charge of gifts for their adult children’s stockings. He thought windshield washer fluid and a snow brush was a great and practical idea. His wife greatly disagreed! But David and I actually thought that was awesome, so that is what he asked for last year. My mom bought him so much washer fluid that he STILL has some left! These are good gift ideas if the recipient will be appreciative. Our friend bought those for his kids because he didn’t want them to be stuck without either of those items, but not everyone will appreciate the thought behind it.
  12. Snacks and treats. One of the things that was let go when we began our strict budgeting was snacks from the grocery store, such as chips or popcorn. A few years ago I told my mom she could buy David him certain snacks, such as his favourite popcorn, roasted nuts he liked, and his favourite brand of crackers. He was so surprised to open boxes of treats, but he really liked that gift.

christmas tour (8)

I know some of these are odd or uncommon gifts, but I hope something in this post will spark an idea for you.


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